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Pigeon Tree

Pigeon Tree $25 Token

Pigeon Tree $25 Token

Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price $0.00 USD Sale price $25.00 USD
Sale Sold out

This started as something just for me to keep in my own coin pocket, but then I made one for a friend of mine and he absolutely loved it! Since then I have been getting a lot of requests to sell these, so I came up with an idea to make it fun.

This token will forever be valued at $25 at the Pigeon Tree shop.

Mail the token in to me at your expense. It does not matter how long you have held onto it, patina is welcomed! I am hoping to amass a collection over the years of worn tokens from good folks such as yourselves who have worn them in with your own unique patina.

This token is crafted out of 13-14oz Navy J&FJ Oak Bark Leather, a leather that is made in England specially for the Japanese market. As exceptional as it is rare.

This leather is super thick and has a wonderfully waxy quality and smooth burnished edges that make this something you will want to fidget with, but thankfully it will always have a home in your favorite pair of jeans for easy access.

Comes with a small branded muslin pouch which makes this a nice gift.

Use hashtags #pigeontreetoken and #followthepatina to share the patina progress of your tokens!


The token can be redeemed at face value towards any purchase. The one thing you cannot do is trade in an old token for a new token. Please get in touch with me to confirm the mailing address before mailing the token in, a stamped envelope will be sufficient.

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